December was filled with Christmas, Christmas, Christmas! We celebrated the Trussell Christmas party at the beginning of the month, and haven't stopped! Riley was soo cute this morning opening her gifts and playing with her new toys. She especially likes her tricycle and her rocking motorcycle (that her grampy T. made her, pic is below!!). We have two more Christmas' to celebrate over the weekend and we can't wait. The greatest part of this time of year is spending time with family!
As for Riley, around her Birthday party she had been walking very unsteadily. About a week later she was practically running! She babbles and talks NON STOP!! She loves bath time, it lasts on average 40 minutes. Which gives mommy time to read! She is saying a lot now, the cutest though is "tickle, tickle, tickle"!
Ben and I are doing wonderful! Ben is still plugging away at BIW. I have started selling Mary Kay and absolutely LOVE it! Ben and I are talking about moving closer to BIW within the next year. We definitely need a bigger house now with all the toys and stuff from Riley's birthday and Christmas!
Here are some pictures...hope you enjoy them!
Riley loved her cake!
Cute outfit for Christmas eve with the Caron family
This has got to be the cutest Jacket/hat set on earth!
My dad, Brian, made this for Riley! So detailed and beautiful!! She loves it!